The polar bear is a mammal that lives in the arctic regions of the world. Its scientific name is Ursus maritimus. His natural habitat is ice and water areas.
He can move and hunt on the ice and he can swim, too.
We find him in Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Siberia.
It is the biggest land carnivorous animal that exists today. He eats fish, seaweed, walruses and seals. He usually hunts seals guided by its good smell.
There are only about 25,000 left of this type in the world, so experts say it will probably disappear at the beginning of XXI century.
He is endangered, and the reason why is that the Climate Change is affecting the polar regions. Forecasts indicate that in few years, the ice will melt, and then its habitat won’t exist, its food sources either, so the polar bear will become extinct because of the warming of the area.
A good solution would be carried out first by people and then by the government, and it consists in people using renewable energies, to not to pollute and therefore, avoiding melting of the icecaps.
To sum up, people are involved in this issue of endangered animals. If we work well together we can achieve them not to disappear.
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